The National Leasehold Campaign
The National Leasehold Campaign

5 years on ......
And the National Leasehold Campaign and SOS have teamed up once more to give you the opportunity to tell us about the mental health impact(s) your leasehold situation is having on you.
Your voice matters. Every voice helps drive change. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey, thank you

How are you feeling?
The issues of Leasehold remain and the impact on people’s mental health and well-being is immense.
SOS Silence Of Suicide alongside the National Leasehold Campaign feel it is important to capture the true human impact this scandal is having on people’s lives and present these findings to the government.
The survey is totally anonymous and takes about 10 minutes to complete.
We first ran this joint survey five years ago, and this survey mirrors the previous one so that the results can be compared.
Click on Mental Health Impact Survey to start your entry.
The survey will close on 22nd February 2025
You can keep up to date with the National Leasehold Campaign on Facebook, X (NLC_2019) and at
Many thanks for completing the survey.
(Under embargo until 00:01 on 22/11/24)
Link to survey HERE
Sadly there has been no improvement in the situation existing leaseholders find themselves since the NLC and SOS carried out a mental health survey five years ago in 2019.
If anything, the situation has worsened as more and more leaseholders remain trapped in the feudal iniquitous leasehold system with no way out. The increase in numbers may be attributed to tenants in high rise blocks being targeted for building safety remediation costs via their leases post Grenfell.
Katie Kendrick, founder of the NLC states “The leasehold system continues to have a huge impact on people’s mental health and wellbeing. Leaseholders are left in an untenable position and feel that nothing is going to change anytime soon. This David V’s Goliath battle really is destroying people’s lives. Unfortunately we are aware of suicide cases directly linked to this scandal”
Cath Williams, Co Founder of the NLC states “We thought it was important to revisit the survey which is why we have recommissioned it with the help from SOS Silence Of Suicide. We have kept the survey questions the same (with minor tweaks) so we can directly compare the results with the previous one. The outcomes will be passed to Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and local Government Angela Rayner, and the Minister of State for Housing Matthew Pennycook to emphasise why urgent action is needed”
Jo Darbyshire, Co Founder also states “Leaseholders have waited far too long to see any change to the dire situations they are in. Despite endless assurances from Governments, past and present, we are yet to see any meaningful change, or even a tangible timeline for reform. What we do see is more misery and heartbreaking stories in the press on a daily basis”
Yvette Greenway, Co-Founder and CEO of SOS Silence of Suicide said:
“We are delighted to be working with the NLC once again and hope our results, together with their strong voices, prick the consciences of those seemingly lacking any empathy or compassion.
We are horrified to learn that members of the NLC, and perhaps non-members, are ending their lives because of unscrupulous profiteering by some freeholders, alongside legislation that is outdated and unfair. How many lives are lived in abject poverty and misery each day? How many more suicides have to occur before urgent action is taken?
SOS Silence of Suicide will continue to support NLC members and followers for as long as we are needed and, in the meantime, we hope the campaign continues to gather increased momentum to drive the urgent changes that every leaseholder deserves.”
2019 Survey Key Findings (1157 respondents) ……
The National Leasehold Campaign (NLC) and the charity SOS Silence of Suicide conducted a survey in 2019 of people who had experienced leasehold issues. The survey found that:
- Nearly one in five leaseholders (17%) have had suicidal thoughts because of their leasehold problems. One per cent say the issue makes them feel suicidal daily, four per cent are frequently suicidal and 12 per cent occasionally
- Three per cent of respondents have attempted suicide, with one per cent attempting suicide more than once, whilst nearly one in 10 (nine per cent) know of other leaseholders who have taken their lives
- Nearly three-quarters of leaseholders (72%) are very anxious and worried about their future with nine out of 10 (90%) saying they think about their leasehold problems every day. Only two per cent of leaseholders are not anxious or worried with one in five (20%) saying they are slightly anxious and six per cent of respondents who try not to think about it
- Unsurprisingly, 96 per cent say they feel uncertain about their future because of their leasehold with nearly half (49%) thinking about it every day, over a quarter (28%) frequently and 19% sometimes
- Almost all (92%) have no faith in the legal system to protect them, whilst seven per cent are optimistic that they will be protected
- One in 20 (six per cent) say they have self-harmed because of the issue with five per cent self-harming more than once
- And one in five are taking medication (20%) to help them with mental health issues created by their leasehold situation with a further seven per cent saying they will be seeing a doctor to get help and just under a third (29%) saying haven’t because they don’t want to take medication
A not-for-profit organisation, the NLC was created in 2017 by three women campaigners, Katie Kendrick, Cath Williams, and Jo Darbyshire, who found themselves trapped by unfair and extortionate leasehold arrangements. The NLC now has over 32 thousand members on their Facebook group.
Already, the trio have achieved many successes in highlighting the issue and have given evidence to the government’s select committee into leaseholds which has resulted in the Competitions and Marketing Authority (CMA) investigation and damning verdict on leasehold mis-selling in February 2020.
For further information email or follow the NLC on Facebook Twitter: NLC_2019
For case studies, interviews with Cath, Katie or Jo and FAQs, please contact us at
SOS Silence of Suicide – SOS began as a social support group in 2015, founded by Michael Mansfield and his wife Yvette, following personal losses to suicide. They decided the elephant in the room needed to be discussed openly to help fight shame, stigma and silence surrounding mental health and suicide.