start the conversation

Our lines are open Monday to Friday 8pm to Midnight and Saturday/Sunday 4pm until Midnight.
If our lines are closed, you can always call 999 or 111 or visit the following links:

Welcome to SOS
Silence of Suicide...

We are a suicide prevention and emotional wellbeing helpline.

If you feel unable to talk about how you are feeling with your friends, family or your Doctor, we are here to talk, listen and support you.

If you are unable to reach us via our phone line and are in crisis, you should dial 999 for immediate support or 111 for advice.

Welcome to SOS
Silence of Suicide.
Stop the silence,
start the conversation.

Stop the
start the


Conversation started: 14/02/25

Our Confidential Mental Health Helpline Provides a Support Service for Those in Need

When you’re experiencing a mental health crisis, the right help and support can make all the difference. No matter when you call or what you’re going through, our free, mental health helpline run by specially trained voluntary workers offers compassionate support. We will listen without judgement and help you find ways to cope and start feeling better.

Get Help With Mental Health Issues When You Need It Most

If you’re having thoughts of suicide, self-harm, experiencing extreme anxiety, depression, or other mental health emergencies, we’re here for you. Call our ‘feelings of suicide’ helpline on 0808 115 1505 for immediate, confidential support.

Our trained responders can help assess your situation, talk through what you’re feeling, provide coping tips, and direct you to additional mental health resources in your area.

Support for Friends, Family and Carers Too

Along with those directly struggling to cope, we also provide emotional support and information to friends, family members, and carers. If you’re worried about someone else’s wellbeing and safety, you can speak to our helpline for guidance on how to support them.

Whether you need urgent help in a crisis, someone to listen without judgement, or information about local mental health services, call our free helpline at 0808 115 1505. Our lines are open to anyone affected by mental illness across the UK.

5 common mental health conditions in England:

5 common mental health conditions in England:

We are here to support people of all ages and stages, and we understand that not everyone will be experiencing a mental health crisis. If you feel like you relate to any of the below, click the links to read more and see how we may be able to support you.






Our supportive listening service is open to anyone across the UK who feels like they need to talk. Always speak to your GP or contact NHS 111 if you are concerned about your emotional health or are having suicidal thoughts. Find your local GP by clicking here.

Our supportive listening service is open to anyone across the UK who feels like they need to talk. Always speak to your GP or contact NHS 111 if you are concerned about your emotional health or are having suicidal thoughts. Find your local GP by clicking here.

Who are SOS?

SOS began as a social support group in 2015, founded by Michael Mansfield and his wife Yvette, following personal losses to suicide. They decided the elephant in the room needed to be discussed openly to help fight shame, stigma, and silence surrounding mental health and suicide.

SOS advocates for compassion in society to encourage understanding, tolerance and kindness.

Reducing the shame, silence and stigma.

Mental health emergency? Need confidential support? Don't like the world we live in? Feeling isolated and lonely? Bereaved? Affected by mental illness? Just need someone to talk to and someone to listen? Have a reduced life expectancy and/or quality of life from a terminal illness and want the right to choose when you pass? Have no mental health problems, but you need to hear a friendly voice?

Our helpline offers supportive listening services to anyone, online, in person, or by freephone at 0808 115 1505 (UK calls only). Our hotline is here for you, whatever you're going through.

How can I help SOS?

By dedicating your time, energy, and resources to assist others, you are not only aiding individuals grappling with mental health and wellbeing challenges or contemplating suicide, but also fostering a community imbued with support and compassion. This commitment not only benefits those in immediate need but also cultivates an environment of empathy and understanding, reinforcing the importance of collective wellbeing.

Voluntary working can provide a sense of purpose and fulfilment, allowing you to make a positive impact in the lives of others. Furthermore, by supporting SOS Silence of Suicide, you are helping to ensure that their vital work can continue, enabling them to provide essential resources and support to those who need it most. Your efforts as a voluntary worker can truly make a difference in someone's life, and the positive effects of your actions can be felt for years to come.

So, if you are looking for a meaningful way to give back and support others, consider voluntary working for SOS Silence of Suicide today.

Our Partners

Our partners generate awareness of SOS and its services, as well as being actively involved in discussions around poor emotional health and suicide.

Memberships & Accreditations held by SOS

SOS is currently expanding its memberships of key organisations during 2024 and a further period of growth including increased service provision. To help with consumer and partnership confidence, we hold certification of ISO9001 and CPD Accreditation Services with more to follow. If we could benefit from being part of your organisation, please get in touch.
