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Annual Suicide Remembrance Day at
Warwick Castle 1 May 2024

Join SOS at Warwick Castle on 01/05/2024.....

View Our Past Event at Warwick Castle.....

On 1 May 2024, SOS held their first ever annual remembrance day to those bereaved by suicide at the magnificent Warwick Castle.

During what can only be described as a beautiful, peaceful and compassionate event, many people came on stage to tell us about their loved ones; some with photographic memories in their hands, others pinned alongside others on our picture board, gently lit by the subtle candles.

Event Details

Venue: Warwick Castle
Location: Warwick Castle
Event Category: Annual Suicide Remembrance Day
Date of Event: 01/05/2024
Start Time: 18:30
End Time: 20:45

Join SOS at Warwick Castle on 01/05/2024

Details about our past event at Warwick Castle

People came alone, with friends, with partners, with family and what a delight to see some children too, who clearly understood what the event was about.  It was heartening to know that the word suicide is on its way to becoming normalised in society, particularly with children.  They are the generations who will ensure, through their own learnings, that there is nothing shameful in talking and listening, and in order to break the stigma, we have to keep the conversations going.

Others asked members of SOS to read out their poems or words of remembrance and it was an honour for us to do so – both incredibly sad yet hope lives on in those loved ones left behind.

Our gospel choir played and sang throughout the evening, capturing the meaning of the event from the start and performing songs that sent messages of hope, love and friendship.

As dusk started to turn to dark, the castle was lit up in SOS colours of purple and white, whilst the crowd waved their corresponding coloured glow sticks.  The over head shots both in our photos and video give you an idea of just how stunning it all was.

Thank you to all attendees for meeting with us on the night, it was wonderful to speak to so many of you.

Thank you to Warwick Castle for their help and support in arranging the event and for being there on the night

Thank you to our Ambassador, Lady Colin Campbell

Thank you to all our suppliers and donors who provided everything from food to hot drinks, as well as the most exquisite lace flowers which adorned the stage and seating areas

Thank you to our staff, their family members and friends who came along to help out on the night – teamwork is a given within the #SOSFAMILY

But mostly, the biggest thank you to you for attending.  We are honoured to have hosted something with meaning for you all and we very much look forward to seeing you again in 2025.

#Stopthesilence #Starttheconversation

View the Video From Event from 01/05/2024

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If Warwick Castle is too far for you to travel to, keep in mind that our mental health helpline is available to anyone who wants to talk about anything from poor emotional well-being to suicidal thoughts and actions. We welcome anyone who needs to talk; please contact us on: 0808 115 1505. Be sure to keep an eye on our events page to see if there are any upcoming events that may be better for you. 

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