
start the conversation

Our lines are open Monday to Friday 8pm to Midnight and Saturday/Sunday 4pm until Midnight.
If our lines are closed, you can always call 999 or 111 or visit the following links:

Start a conversation...

Start a conversation...

As part of our commitment to promoting suicide prevention, we invite you to learn more about our SOS Suicide PIA initiative. This program focuses on the crucial aspects of prevention, intervention, and awareness, with the aim of helping those in need and reducing the number of suicides in the UK.

If you prefer to submit your voluntary worker application via email, we also offer this option. Simply scan and send your completed application to contact@sossilenceofsuicide.org and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your interest in our charity, and for your support in helping us make a difference in the lives of those affected by mental health issues and suicide.

Make an enquiry...

Other ways to get in touch...

Contact us in writing

SOS Silence of Suicide
Portobello House
Portobello Way
CV34 5GJ

Contact us by email


Abusive emails will not be responded to.

Contact us by phone

You can call our main number between 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday. We do not operate an out of hours service, so please email outside of these hours.

You can get in touch by dialling: 01926961116

Please note: This is NOT a helpline number, this is for general office enquiries only.

For support call our freephone number 0808 115 1505

Thank you