
start the conversation

Our lines are open Monday to Friday 8pm to Midnight and Saturday/Sunday 4pm until Midnight.
If our lines are closed, you can always call 999 or 111 or visit the following links:

Complaints & Feedback Policy

Registered Charity No 1175795


Complaints & Feedback Policy (Combined)



SOS Silence of Suicide provides support all of humankind and aims to treat everyone equally and with respect, care, kindness and understanding.




We encourage everyone to feel free to contact us, whether you have a complaint or wish to provide feedback.  Both of these are important to us – letting us know about your experience(s) can help us better understand how to improve for the benefit of everyone.  Or, if you feel we are doing well already, please let us know about that too!


Positive feedback


We may share positive feedback within our charity, but it will always be anonymised, unless you give us express, written consent to identify you.


Positive feedback helps us know what we are doing right and ensures we carry on doing what is good.  It can also help to motivate members of our small team, whether they are voluntary workers or paid employees.  And unless you tell us, we don’t necessarily know what you find good about SOS.


We may also use your positive feedback with our Trustees, and on our website and social media.  Again, this will always be anonymised unless we have your express written consent to identify you.



When things don’t go right


SOS recognises the importance of addressing concerns or complaints when people feel that they have not received the level of service they should reasonably expect.  We are keen that your experience with us should always be positive, but accept that this may not always be the case, so please tell us so that we can address your concerns and learn from them.



Our promise to you


We promise to take all feedback and complaints seriously and to deal with them as quickly as possible with the respect they deserve.



How to complain or give feedback


The following stages tell you how to get in touch and what we will do when we hear from you. It also tells you what happens if you are not happy with our initial response.


Stage 1:


Please tell us about your complaint as soon as possible by one of the following methods:


Face to Face


At our face to face meetings, you will have the opportunity to provide positive feedback or raise concerns.  We are happy to spend time discussing your comments with you in person in order to resolve concerns or issues you may raise.


Online Meetings


During our online meetings, please ask us to stay online at the conclusion of the meeting so that you can make us aware of your concerns and we can talk these through immediately with you.


Contact Form


You can contact us through our website contact form with positive feedback or complaints


  1. b) Contact us by telephone


Talking to someone directly is a positive way for you to voice your concerns.  We would hope to resolve your concerns immediately, but if this is not possible, we will ask you to write to us with further information so that we can investigate thoroughly and responsibly.  You may call us on: 01926 761505 between the hours of midday and 4.00pm Monday to Friday.  This line is not for support calls – if you need help, please call freephone 08081151505 during our operational hours.


  1. c) Write or email to us with your complaint/concern or feedback


Please write to us if you prefer to:


SOS Silence of Suicide

C/O Nexus Chambers

The Barbon Buildings

14 Red Lion Square

London WC1R 4QH


You should email if you prefer to: feedback@sossilenceofsuicide.org


Remember to include as much information as you can about the complaint, along with your full name, address, postcode and telephone number, together with an email address if you have one.  You may also indicate how you prefer us to contact you.  For example, you may prefer an emailed response or a phone call, so please tell us what is best for you.

Please allow us up to 14 working days to respond to your communication if you choose to write, thank you.

We will not respond to rude or aggressive communications, so please treat our staff with the respect you’d like, and deserve, to be extended to yourself, thank you.


Information we need to know to help us deal with your complaint

Please make sure you tell us:

  • what has happened
  • when it happened
  • the background to the issue, if you think it is relevant
  • what you have done to try and resolve it
  • what you want us to do to put things right


Who to contact regarding your complaint / feedback


Please address all complaints, regardless of how you contact us to:


Operations and Compliance Manager


What we will do next


SOS would hope that any complaint can be resolved to your satisfaction immediately.  If this is not possible, we will agree a timeline with you for us to contact you again once we have had time to investigate your complaint thoroughly.


Our aim is to get back to you within 10 working days; however, where an investigation may take longer, we will let you know and advise you when you should expect to hear from us again. Additionally, when you write to us via letter, please allow us up to 14 days to respond to you.


Stage 2:

If, after contacting us, you are still unhappy, please tell us in writing either by letter or email and send this to the contact at the postal or email address above. Please set out clearly the details of the complaint, explaining why you are not satisfied with our response and what you would like us to do to put things right.

Once we have received a formal written complaint, the complaint will be acknowledged in writing or via email within 10 working days from receipt and the letter will say when you can expect a full response. This should normally be within 10 working days unless the matter is very complicated in which case it may take us up to a maximum of 28 working days. Where this is the case, we will still let you know what action is being taken and tell you when we expect to be able to provide you with a full response.




Stage 3:

We really hope that our team and the Charity Trustees are able to resolve your complaint in an honest, open and satisfactory way. However if after receiving a written response from us you still feel that your complaint has been unresolved then there are a number of organisations that can investigate your complaint.



If your complaint is to do with fundraising then the Fundraising Standards Board can investigate your complaint.

You must contact them within two months of receiving your response from us.

Fundraising Standards Board
Hampton House
20 Albert Embankment

Tel: 0845 402 5442


If your complaint is concerning a serious risk of harm to the charity, or its assets or the people it is set up to benefit, contact the relevant charity regulator.


Charities based in England and Wales

The Charity Commission
PO Box 1227
L69 3UG

0845 3000 218



If your complaint is to do with any aspect of our phone line, you may also contact:

