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Exercise Impact Survey

Exercise Impact Survey

Welcome to the first of our surveys for 2023, our Exercise Impact Survey

As in the past, we want to ensure that our surveys serve a purpose, looking at the other side of the coin and exploring subjects that have little, if any, coverage.  This will give us scope for further exploration of each of the topics we will be covering based on the responses during our new series of surveys.

Previous surveys have produced amazing responses, including one that gained over 60,000 responses.  This anonymised information was used in a court case.

If you have ideas for a survey you think should be run, then simply write to feeedback@sossilenceofsuicide.org .  If you’re an organisation who wants a tailored survey composed and collated for you, drop us a line to the same email address.

Our exercise impact survey is something a little different – we all know about the benefits are keeping healthy – through diet, fresh air, plenty of sleep and exercise.  What we are exploring this time around, is whether or not there is the possibility that people become addicted to exercise and the impact(s) of this upon their mental health.   Please note, we are only seeking responses from those members of the public who exercise every single day.

To get started, click on the link below.  Please feel free to share wide and far – to friends, family, organisations, anyone you can think of who may be interested in participating.  After all, the more data we collect, the more information it gives us.  All our surveys are anonymous, we do not ask you for your name, address, or any contact details at all. Thank you in advance for your help and for completing our survey

Read more about  poor mental health by going to: https://sossilenceofsuicide.org/mental-health/

SOS Silence of Suicide – Stop the Silence, Start the Conversation